Foshan Xinghongde Technology Co., Ltd.
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Classification about the PA (Public-Address) System

Whether you are operating performance area or building a mobile platform, you always need an excellent PA system which not only can meet your requirements at present, but also can meet your requirements in the next few years. We can divide the PA system into three large types: personal PA, medium PA and full-size PA.

Personal PA usually consists of a single speaker or mini-speaker array (such as the Bose L1 series), which can be used either as the primary speaker of a player or as feedback sound device. The medium PA usually consists of a pair of vertical speakers on either side of the stage and a simple wedge-shaped feedback sound device. The PA system which is used in large stadiums will use speaker linear array and extremely complex feedback sound system.

We can see the medium professional pa amplifier system in most of nightclubs, churches and mobile DJ platforms. If there is small-scale audience, you should use the suitable medium PA power amplifier. However, if there is large indoor space (accommodate more than 500 people), you should use much larger speakers and more powerful amplifier. There are many ways to build effective PA equipment.

Click here for more information about the pa speaker microphone.

commercial power amplifier
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