Besides the surveillance system ,in the residential areas and buildings the sound system is also required for the public points such as floor corridors, basements, passages, etc..
The RH-AUDUO allows the inhabitants to enjoy high quality music or audio outdoors, especially the landscape speaker model is integrated with light bulb and it light is continuously active from dusk to dawn offering safety and security by highlighting pathways, driveways and entryways.
Normally the sound system relays messages and announcements, or even plays background music, while under emergency situations such as large fires, earthquake, floods, hazardous-materials, etc., on receiving a trigger from the fire alarm panel the life safety function of the system takes over and your pre-selected message is broadcasted site-wide or to designated areas as required, and a microphone is also provided for the officer to broadcast live voice directives, this takes precedence over all other messages or inputs.
In a serious incident, the risk is very high that the inhabitants will not be able to safely escape the danger zone, the RH-AUDIO sound system's great efforts are made to minimize life-threatening risks.