Foshan Xinghongde Technology Co., Ltd.
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  • Classification about the PA (Public-Address) SystemClassification about the PA (Public-Address) System2018/06/24Whether you are operating performance area or building a mobile platform, you always need an excellent PA system which not only can meet your requirements at present, but also can meet your requiremen...
  • Channel Multi Zone MixerChannel Multi Zone Mixer2018/06/23The channel multi zone mixer is a command about color adjustment in the Adobe photoshop software. This command can adjust the color composition of a certain channel. Execute "Image - > Adjust - >...
  • Television Signal Multi Zone MixerTelevision Signal Multi Zone Mixer2018/06/22Television signal mixer is a device that combines more than two sets of radio-frequency signals with different frequencies together to form one-way broadband radio-frequency signal and output multi-ch...
  • Hybrid Phonograph Preamplifier Nagra VPSHybrid Phonograph Preamplifier Nagra VPS2018/06/22Feature 1: different equalization methods are realized by jumperNagra VPS provides two equalization methods: RIAA 1953 and IEC 1976. The jumper is set through the first level of each channel. If the j...
  • The Application of Multi Zone Mixer AmplifierThe Application of Multi Zone Mixer Amplifier2018/06/07The hybrid amplifier is a professional tool for commercial use with sophisticated industrial design and construction. The volume and weight are greatly reduced by the official DriveCore technology - a...
  • Why Choose RH AUDIO Multi Zone Mixer AmplifierWhy Choose RH AUDIO Multi Zone Mixer Amplifier2018/06/06■ Hybrid amplifier with single or dual zone from 30W to 120W■ The balance input of 4 low-noise microphone or line■ Optional priority and sound control switches in the microphone input 1■ Optional ...
  • The Features of Multi Zone Mixer AmplifierThe Features of Multi Zone Mixer Amplifier2018/06/05Features of RH AUDIO Multi Zone Mixer Amplifier 6-way microphone/line input and 3-way music source input100 V, telephone and call station input (with priority and VOX)2 regions and only broadcast outputVoice acti...
  • The Function and Performance Index of Commercial Power AmplifierThe Function and Performance Index of Commercial Power Amplifier2018/06/04The Function of of Commercial Power AmplifierThe amplifier is designed to amplify the weak signal from the audio source or the prime amplifier, and to promote the speakers to sound. The amplifier play...
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