Foshan Xinghongde Technology Co., Ltd.
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  • Classification of Commercial Power AmplifierClassification of Commercial Power Amplifier2018/06/03In accordance with the different amplifier tube conductive modes, there are different types about the amplifier: the first-class amplifier (also known as class A), the second-class amplifier (also kno...
  • Technical features of HIFI Commercial Power AmplifierTechnical features of HIFI Commercial Power Amplifier2018/06/02HIFI amplifier is slightly different from AV amplifier, and HIFI amplifier often has the following characteristics1. 2.0 channel stereo. There are only two channels output for most of the HIFI amplifi...
  • Some Professional Terms Related to AV Power AmplifierSome Professional Terms Related to AV Power Amplifier2018/06/01There are a lot of technical terms and applications about the AV amplifier, and the following are some mainstream technologies.1. Multi-channel independent amplifier - the same independent amplifier i...
  • Why Choose The Class D AmplifierWhy Choose The Class D Amplifier2018/05/31Class D Amplifier is the amplifier which drives the speaker by ON/OFF switch in the control switch unit. The class D amplifier was first proposed in 1958 and it has become more and more popular in rec...
  • Basic Structure of the Class D AmplifierBasic Structure of the Class D Amplifier2018/05/30The first part is the modulator. The simplest modulator can be accomplished by using only one operational amplifier to form the comparator. Put the original audio signal to the positive input terminal...
  • Background of the Class D AmplifierBackground of the Class D Amplifier2018/05/29In 1958, the Class D Amplifier was first proposed. And in recent years, it has become more and more popular.The Class D Amplifier is designed to produce the input audio signal (with real, efficient an...
  • How to Connect the High Ceiling Speakers to the PA System Integrated Amplifier?How to Connect the High Ceiling Speakers to the PA System Integrated Amplifier?2018/05/18Tip 11. The ceiling speaker is divided into 2 kinds of pressure and general impedance.2.If the voltage is fixed, you will remove the fixed voltage transformer and connect it to the common amplifier. T...
  • Technical Characteristics of HIFI PA System Integrated AmplifierTechnical Characteristics of HIFI PA System Integrated Amplifier2018/05/17HIFI PA is slightly different from AV PA. HIFI often has the following characteristics:1. 2.0 sound track stereo. Most HIFI PA only has two channel outputs, and is different from AV PA surround sound ...
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